tisdag 27 januari 2009

What primarily distinguishes poker from eg Lotto is the interaction between the players, to play against each other. The players are equal before the rules and fighting against each other in honest competition. In this regard, poker is a sport, or at least a games.

In Lotto or bingo compete Monday against the house, always with the expected loss and no interaction between players. One can safely enjoy the bingon, but it is in this case outside of the actual game and it could just as well just drink coffee.
Honest competition and social advancement

Poker is socially. People meet, sit and talk, discussing the game and a lot else. In this way, similar to poker amateur bridge. Poker is much more social than eg chess or football where you virtually can save the social after the talk.

With his super-social nature and the demands on memory and thinking sharpen poker is the ideal pensioner game. I expect cold to play much poker at home.

Poker is socially, and it's honest competition. Then, it is understood that with skill, too. Poker requires skills in various areas, we know. Skill in poker is versatile. It is about strategy and tactics, probability and game theory, psychological insights about both others and themselves, fighting spirit, patience, orädddhet.

Poker stimulates many aspects of personality.
Only skill is not doing a good game

Even games such as blackjack and video poker have an element of skill - you can do good or bad choices. But even if you play perfect, you are a loser in the long run.

And the little skill that is in the Games is one-sided, just a little basic probability. Psychology missing and you can not talk about strategy or game theory.

Kvasispel as Lotto, bingo and scratch cards have no element of skill. It does not matter what you do, you only buy a ticket and waiting for demarcation. That is why they are called lotteries and regulated by the Lottery Act.

In both of the last groups of game play with the expected loss, and their lack of interaction between players. It is not fair competition, there is no social factor, no stimulation. They can not be compared with the poker in any area.

Poker is much more than just a skill game. Think about it.

This blog actually gave me some good casino tips.

måndag 5 januari 2009

Casino Game Help

Download & Register A Casino

It is very easy to download a casino game and not as difficult as you might think, start by clicking on a game link and go into the casino game website, then locate the link "download".

Click download and save online game in an appropriate folder you will remember, then locate the folder and start the download of online game.
Registration - How it works

* Download casino game.
* Register.
* Insert your money in your account.
* Start playing.

Put money in your account

Now is the time to put money in your game account. You can choose between several different payment options such as VISA, Neteller, Master Card, etc.. You register to which payment options on the link cashier or bank.

First, you fill in your card type, then the card number, name, last name, month, year, the payment address, city, county, zip code and country, register now, your credit card.

Then we arrived at the last moment, it is time for your first insätning. Fill in how much money you want to play for, then fill in the 'Security Code', where you can write the three figures code, which is at the back of your debit card. Figures are the final three in number.
Take Out Money From Your Game Account

You can make transfers when you know that it is time, for example, you have won money or want to take the money out of other reasons. Then you do it by clicking on the cashier and then Withdraw, then, you decide for yourself how much you want to charge. Just follow the instructions on the games side, it will go well, everything is there.

A transmission normally takes up to a week, but sometimes faster.

For More Casino Help: Visit this blog